Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Rebuilding the Desktop

One of the links from this blog goes to the Low End Mac article "What Works, What Doesn't", which quotes an Apple study that says that "Rebuilding the Desktop worked 0% of the time that it was tried." Well, just yesterday it worked for me on 2 different problems with 3 Macs. Two of them were fairly new CRT iMacs running 9.2.2, and had generic icons all over the place.

One of the older CRT iMacs would not run the internet tutorial that appears under the Finder's Help menu. The file it seemed to be looking for was identical on other Macs that worked fine. There was a script that could be opened in the Script Editor, and inside it was trying to open the app by its creator code. Seeing that I rebuilt the desktop which fixed it.

I suspect that copying things with Network Assistant may not always update the desktop properly. Fortunately it has a feature to remotely rebuild desktops without a restart.

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